Good News
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Looking out at the grey skies right now you wouldn't believe it's the middle of Summer let alone the bright, bountiful first weeks of post Covid freedom that we were promised in the UK.

But nevertheless, in true British style, Saturday saw pubs and restaurants across the country open again to some very eager clientele. Carlsberg jumped straight in with their "Welcome back to the pub" campaign with sponsored content across social media, whilst the government eagerly pushed the message that we should all "Enjoy Summer Safely."

At the beginning of lockdown ad spend was pulled and the pause button hit but now as we maneuver our way out of the big freeze, the importance of economic stimulus is evident as consumer confidence increases.

AdLand is the first line of engagement to encourage the big push back to the high street, a role that we cannot take lightly and enact recklessly. So in this months Good News we're delving into brands who are driving the post lockdown business boom by putting the public first, pushing their services and products second.

Keep spending,

The Good-Loop Team.

Wom(b)en at every stage of development tell their Womb Stories with Bodyform.

Once again, Bodyform are normalising women's bodies through their newest creative campaign, after gracing our screens previously with major hits such as: Blood Normal, and Viva La Vulva.

The latest edition to their body positive triology covers every aspect from first periods, IVF treatment, through to the hot flushes of menopause. Interestingly with all their ads Bodyform products appear briefly in one scene, if at all. Much like Dove, with their self esteem project, and This Girl Can, the campaign focuses around celebrating womanhood and offering guidance and support where it's most needed.

Placing themselves as leaders in female body positivity and experts in the field, Bodyform are creating lifelong brand affinity, taking hold of their consumers hands from the very first drop, to the last.

The Great Reset - Purpose Disruptors rise again to tell the world that AdLand hasn't taken their sights off their mission.

Last year Good-Loop marched on the streets of London with hundreds of media folk in the very first Create and Strike. Now, the campaign is back with a vengeance as Purpose Disruptors once again remind the world 'We haven't forgotten about you.'

In the wake of the global Pandemic, this years The Great Reset campaign not only takes on Climate change, encouraging advertisers to take the lead on challenging destructive briefs, but also looks to spearhead a 'new normal', as global emissions decrease by 7% as a results of lockdown.

As 77% of consumers believe it's the industry's responsibility to drive the change, the goal of the campaign is to reset ourselves, our work, and our impact to embed the positive environmental shifts created through lockdown and turn them into the New Normal.

eBay bid on their smaller vendors to help them ride out the storm.

Across the globe brands have struggled to keep up with the ever changing retail landscape due to COVID-19, from staff restrictions in warehouses to markets simply disappearing over night (where are my lockdown birthday party people at?!)

eBay stepped up to the mark when they saw that they needed to protect their vendors, as the main cog in their machine, through initiatives such as seller protection and discounts, to ensure small businesses were able to survive the changing tide.

Once again proving it's good for business to be good, eBay has ensured their bounce-back post pandemic will be smoother, and largely more successful as they prioritise their people over profit.

Channel 4 is swapping buns for business in The Great High Street Comeback.

As part of a prime time campaign, Channel 4 is celebrating the return of high street shopping across the UK by partnering with major brands to provide ad space, free of charge, for small, independent high street retailers.

In a bid to get the economy moving again Channel 4 has risen to the challenge and shown themselves as a leading conscious media owner. As consumers remain hesitant about returning to the high streets, each small brand will be partnered with one of the donating brands who will cover the media costs.

This campaign isn't the first from Channel 4 who's previous initiatives throughout the pandemic include The Green House Fund and free ad creation services. As well as making six commitments to anti-racism in light of recent global events.

Be in the Loop

  • Booze marketer Pernod Ricard plans app to identify social media hate speech
  • Walmart launches virtual summer camps and parking lot drive-in movies for summers of social distancing
  • Digital ad market set to eclipse traditional media for first time
  • Marketers challenged to remake their favourite ads for charity
  • Conversation, not boycotts, is the way to fix social media says Unilever marketing boss
  • Guide Dogs put the focus on video with its Blind Hacks campaign for the visually impaired
  • Google shares search insights for COVID-19 recovery
  • Crocs launches Pride activation in collaboration with artist Josh McKenna
  • Putting advertising at the heart of the recovery
  • House of Lords call for 'immediate' gambling regulation on Loot Boxes
  • Boots and other brands brace for a Covid-19 Christmas like no other
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