Good News
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It's the first Good News of 2021 - Can I get a hell yeah?!

We're already at the end of January and, oh boy, what a year it has been so far!
The US has finally removed Experiment 45, BrewDog has renamed it's hazy IPA a dozen times, and David Attenborough has released a new series. The world is slowly but surely feeling a bit more normal every day.

January has already gifted us with brands, agencies, and media using their power as a force for good, so let's jump straight in!
First on the list is Unilever! A regular guest in Good News, the trailblazers are once again setting the pace for the FMCG big boys.

Unilever has said that by 2030 it will refuse to do business with any firm that doesn't pay at least the living wage or income to its staff. Harnessing their incredible advertising budget to push change CEO, Alan Jope, has also committed to addressing social inequality by working with more businesses run by women and under-represented groups. As the second-largest advertiser in the world, their move to improve the way they work also pushes forward the standard for the industry by proving what is possible. Through their catalogue of over 400 brands, they continually advocate for the change they want to see in the world and we love to see them taking this energy into 2021.
ITV to feature "Stay At Home" message during every ad break.

With inconsistent messaging from the government, media outlets are taking it upon themselves to cement the public health message. As we coast through the third UK Lockdown, ITV aims to reach 42 million viewers with their own public health message. This has been a consistent theme throughout the pandemic with Channel 4 also featuring a similar on-screen message across all of their channels throughout the past year. Both are a perfect example of media using their vast platforms to project a consistent public health message to save lives and drive down the R... even when the comms from Number 10 are less than clear.
OMD uses "Blue Monday" to address mental health concerns within their agency.

The effects of the pandemic have led to an increase in mental health issues throughout the public which doesn't bode well for an industry that has long battled to hit the sweet spot between a work/life balance. Although long since debunked as being based on science, "Blue Monday" still offers the perfect opportunity to raise the conversation around mental health and, this year, OMD did just that. At a time when most people are feeling the January blues deeper than usual, OMD announced they were gifting their staff an hour in their day to do something for themselves. It might not solve the problem of mental health in AdLand, but it's a good place to start.
Cadbury celebrates same-sex couple during prime time slots in honour of their Golden Goobilee.

Triggering nostalgia and an abundance of complaints, Cadbury have revamped their classic Creme Egg ad with a multitude of ways that people "eat there's". The inclusion of a same-sex couple continues Cadbury's move to set itself as an inclusive brand that moves with the ever-evolving public tone. Rather than shying away from current issues within society, they face them head-on, be that through highlighting loneliness with their Age UK partnership, or consistently pushing diversity in their ads. There is no doubt that Cadbury continues to be a brand that puts their money where their mouth is by using their extensive international platform to push the conversation forward positively. They've made it very clear - they don't really care how you eat yours, as long as you're eating them.

Be in the loop

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  • Veganuary, the 1-Month Veganism Challenge, Exceeds a Half-Million Participants
  • Santander tackles loneliness in Lockdown
  • How FELIX brought a bit of happiness to cat lovers during Covid
  • Coca-Cola puts a new year's resolution on cans in follow-up to 'Share a Coke'
  • Hundreds of writers and book agents sign joint letter demanding publishing industry bans Trump memoir
  • Black Lives Matter UK to start funding groups from £1.2m donations
  • TIME's latest cover shows Biden in an oval office trashed by his predecessor
  • Jagermeister will donate to United We Stream through sales of their new streetwear collection inspired by nightlife
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