Good News
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Good morning!

Starting this month's Good News with some, well, very Good News from Good-Loop HQ - We've officially raised over a million pounds in donations for incredible causes across the globe!

The pandemic has led to almost a third of charities reporting a decline in voluntary donations and tightening of corporate sponsorships, with many now being on the verge of collapse. And it's sometimes easy to forget the massive impact running campaigns through Good-Loop can have on charities.

But by donating 50% of media spend for every engagement, brands running with Good-Loop have helped to fund: Over 791 nights of safe accommodation for young homeless people with Centre Point, planted 25,000 trees through WWF, funded an incredible 250,000 test tubes for pregnancy related research conducted by Tommy's, and 714 music therapy sessions for 3,000 vulnerable people supported by Nordoff Robbins - to name just a few!

You can read more about the milestone on our website, and please do get in touch if you want to find out more on how you can be involved in helping us reach the next million!

August has come around shockingly fast and we are now well into the second half of the year. The start of the roaring 20's has so far pushed humanity to new lows but also brought us together in unity like never before.

As the likes of GroupM and Havas shift planning to always focus on diverse audiences - Inclusivity is no longer a buzz word, it's the bare minimum expected, body shaming is a thing of the past, and racism... well we're still fighting that one - but more people are now on the streets shouting louder than ever before!

This month's Good News takes a look at those epitomising business as a force for good, and making it the real, post Covid, new normal.

We're just getting started,

The Good-Loop Team.

Spotify is supporting the global music community through their COVID-19 Music Relief initiative.

Although streaming throughout lockdown has risen, other areas of the music industry that professional musicians rely on to bring in the money have been put on hold.

The donations can be made to participating charities in various countries around the world. Spotify has also donated to the organisations, then further matching donations made by the public via their dedicated relief page.

They have now reached their matching commitment of a collective $10 million, but you can still get involved on the link below.

The world's biggest ad agencies are stepping up and using their bargaining power to influence the conversation beyond just a hashtag.

Havas, MediaCom, and Mindshare have all taken the fight internally to have frank discussions with the largest brands around the globe.

It was announced this month that MediaCom has pledged to shift it's media planning approach to always focus on diverse audiences, allowing brands to better communicate their message with the right people.

Fellow B Corp, Havas, has also shifted to focus on inclusive audiences with their new social equity marketplace. As part of the agency's latest commitment to exploring meaningful media, the rollout began in the US with Michelin and Moen. They're planning to expand the platform internationally later this year.

Similarly, Mindshare's #ChangeTheBrief, that launched towards the end of last year, also focuses on planning teams thinking differently about the original campaign criteria they're given to be more inclusive, diverse, and sustainable for both the planet and society.

Thatchers cider celebrates the many faces of family life in new campaign, narrated by Bill Bailey, to play their part in refueling the economy.

If there's one thing we all came to realise in lockdown it was that "family" is more important than ever. In their new ad Thatcher's give a nod to the different forms the definition of family can take, whilst encouraging the public to get out and support their local pubs and restaurants.

Whether you share a last name or a passion, the ad centres around the support and love that is at the centre of everyone's world, including the family run cider business.

Whilst protests rage on around the world calling for unity and showing solidarity, the ad is filled with moments of companionship in pubs, live gigs, and back gardens. Thatchers offers a stark reminder of life before the pandemic and gives hope of a better new normal with those we love, our family.

Quiet Storm launches Create Not Hate once again, with signatures from leading media agencies, to help bring more people from ethnic-minority backgrounds into the industry.

With leading names from Havas, Grey, Total Media, and Wunderman Thompson - to mention a few - the initiative tasks students to produce creative ideas and executions for an anti-racism campaign. The talent will then be showcased at the end of the month.

The second round of Create Not Hate, originally launched by Trevor Robinson in 2007, comes as Getty Images released research showing that 8 in 10 people globally expect companies to be consistently committed to inclusivity and diversity in their advertising.

As featured in last month's newsletter, Purpose Disruptors have also recently launched their industry wide initiative The Gr

eat Reset. Both showing a shift in consciousness within the industry, embracing the true power of advertising and the positive impact it can have on society.

Gay Times rallies against LGBT+ discrimination in striking campaign.

Amplifund, Gay Times charity that's managed by GiveOut, has launched a campaign to challenge LGBTQ+ misconceptions. It was originally established to support LGBTQI activists around the world in their campaigning and media work.

The newest campaign, created by Grey London, uses the experience of LGBT+ people to challenge how being queer is perceived in countries such as Jamaica, Iraq, and Armenia. Striking black and white images quoting experiences from the community draws attention to the harsh stereotypes used within advertising that can demean and inaccurately present the people they seek to showcase.

The campaign encourages people across the LGBTQ+ UK community to support their fellow community members across the globe who face different struggles, discrimination and even persecution.

Be in the Loop

  • Ben & Jerry's hits out at Priti Patel over migrant crossings and it pays off
  • Pornhub shows off a 'Big Package' of 1 billion free ads for small businesses
  • COVID-19 and the problem of electronic waste
  • Global Action Plan "Breathable billboard" by Wonderhood Studios
  • Electric switch: Plug-in hybrid BMW's to automatically swap to battery mode in London and Birmingham
  • BrewDog launches Street Dog Punk IPA
  • 'Reclaim Her Name' celebrates the women writers hidden behind pseudonyms
  • Dove moves to 100% recycled plastic bottles
  • Gay Times launches GTX: 'The success of LGBTQ+ campaigns comes down to nuance'
  • Agencies are working with Nonprofits to switch gears during the pandemic
  • The Great Reset has set 'the most important creative brief the industry will ever work on'
  • Chipotle debuts branded apparel dyed with recycled avocados
  • Anheuser-Busch hosts virtual music festival for International Beer Day
  • Vegan food company provokes with M*** F*** advertising campaign
  • Channel 4, Sky and Tesco commit to challenge harmful stereotypes
  • Camden Town Brewery gives away free pints in 'world's first (kind of) drinkable TV ad'
  • Coca-Cola, Lloyds and Rightmove support local businesses with ad break takeover
  • Snag Tights widened its market by embracing inclusion
  • Crisis "#HomeForAll" by FCB Inferno
  • Superdrug and Unilever support first Brighton Digital Pride event
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