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Global Ad Tech Platform Good-Loop Launches Green Watermark For Climate-Friendly Ads

Sustainability logo helps consumers identify which digital ads are good for the planet

LONDON, EDINBURGH -- January 18, 2021 -- Global ad tech platform Good-Loop today launched a new green watermark that shows consumers whether an online ad is environmentally-friendly.

Digital campaigns contribute significantly to the ad industry's global carbon footprint. A typical online campaign emits 5.4 tonnes of carbon dioxide -- almost half what an average UK consumer and a third of what a US consumer produces in a year -- while advertising is responsible for a 28% uptick in the carbon footprint of the average consumer (source: Purpose Disruptors).

To help consumers identify which online ads are not contributing to global CO2 emissions, Good-Loop has created a free watermark that can be displayed on any campaign creative being tracked using its Green Ad Tag -- a 1x1 tracking pixel that enables brands to measure and offset the carbon cost of their online campaigns in real time.

Additionally, the watermark will drive positive association between brands and sustainability efforts as a visual reminder of their commitment to support the environment -- helping consumers to grow their affinity for these brands.

Launched to help advertisers make the move towards climate-positive digital advertising as easy and seamless as possible, the Green Ad Tag -- which can be appended to any digital campaign -- detects data transmission in real time, allowing for variations in creative, adtech usage, territory, device and time of day.

This bandwidth usage is then combined with data on the climate impact of the local electricity grid to enable brands and agencies to closely track and then offset CO2 emissions through their own dashboard. The Green Ad Tag is bought on a 'Tree-PM' model, which means for every thousand impressions served, Good-Loop will also plant one tree.

Amy Williams, CEO and Founder of Good-Loop, whose programmatic technology drives brand engagement by converting people's attention to ads into donations to good causes around the world, said: "Sustainability labels, like the Fairtrade symbol, are becoming widely recognised by consumers who want to ensure their dollars are supporting brands with purpose. Good-Loop's Green Watermark will help them ensure they are rewarding brands focused on sustainability with their time and attention.

"For too long, the carbon cost of digital advertising has been ignored -- by brands and consumers alike. Good-Loop is changing that."

To find out more about Good-Loop's Green Ad Tag or green watermark, click here.

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