Our Impact Manager, Hannah Williams tells the story behind Good-Loop's Carbon Neutral status and why brands must understand the significance of green claims.
Hannah Williams
Impact Manager

14 March 2023

As a B Corp certified company, Good-Loop understands the importance of going beyond the mere rhetoric of environmentalism and instead are taking concrete steps to ensure that our business practices have a positive impact on the planet.

Good-Loop's commitment to sustainability is reflected in our B Corp certification, which includes five umbrella sections: Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers.

This year, as part of the B Corp month 2023 theme "go beyond," we are placing particular emphasis on our environmental practices and how we go beyond greenwashing.

When we initially certified in 2019, we were super proud of our score of 84.3, but we knew we had it in us to be even better. The threshold for becoming a B Corp is 80 points. The average score across all businesses is 50.9. Good-Loop re-certified with a score of 96.9.

Going Carbon Neutral

Although Good-Loop has been carbon conscious since our inception, with yearly offset payments to Cool Earth, in 2021 we worked with BIMA to take a more granular look at our carbon footprint.

By setting 2019 as our base year and comparing year-on-year data, we can better understand the impact of our operations and identify areas for improvement. This comprehensive approach enables us to accurately track and offset carbon emissions across scopes 1, 2, and 3.

We currently maintain our carbon neutral status by offsetting our emissions via Ecologi. With our offsetting to date, we have avoided 361.5 tonnes of CO2e which is equivalent to:

-277 long haul flights worth of carbon -896,882 miles driven in a car -1,085 m2 of sea ice saved

Some projects we have invested in:

Focussing On Scope 3

As a relatively small, mostly online company, our direct emissions from scopes 1 and 2 are minimal. Whereas, in contrast, our scope 3 activities (indirect emissions within our value chain) account for a significant portion (93.6% in 2022) of our footprint, most of which come from our online ad emissions (you can read more about this breakdown in our upcoming yearly impact report.. So stay tuned!).

We are currently taking the first steps along our net zero journey by digging further into our footprint breakdown and identifying emission hotspots and key areas for reduction across all 3 scopes, but in particular scope 3.

We Go Beyond Greenwashing By…

It is important to note that Good-Loop's commitment to sustainability extends beyond carbon accounting and offsetting efforts. We take a holistic approach to reducing our environmental impact by ensuring sustainability is considered in all corners of our business.

We currently reduce our impact on the planet by:

  • Using internet servers that run on renewable energy
  • Purchasing second hand electronic and office equipment
  • Encouraging ethical and sustainable pension fund allocation via Nest
  • Avoiding using unsustainable online merchants where possible
  • Not providing single use/unwanted merchandise at events
  • Providing a Bike-to-work scheme
  • Encouraging employee awareness through guest speakers, online courses and workshops
  • Providing sustainable tea and coffee in our offices

These initiatives are just the beginning of Good-Loop's commitment to going beyond greenwashing and ensuring that our environmental practices are genuine and transparent. As we progress along our Net Zero road, we expect this list to grow as we identify additional areas for environmental stewardship.

As a B Corp certified company, Good-Loop understands that we have a responsibility to go beyond mere words and instead take concrete steps to reduce our environmental impact. Our comprehensive approach to tracking and offsetting carbon emissions, alongside our other sustainability initiatives, demonstrate our genuine commitment to being a force for good in the world.

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