After the 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck, the advertising industry started rallying in support of Turkey and Syria. But many were left wondering, how exactly can you help?
Hannah Williams
Impact Manager

20 February 2023

With unprecedented natural disasters becoming more frequent, it can be overwhelming to know how to help the communities currently suffering and where best to direct support.

In just over a week since the disasters, the death total has surpassed 40,000 and unfortunately, United Nations emergency relief chief, Martin Griffiths, has predicted that figure could rise above 56,000. This is a time when people in these regions are in desperate need of help and support.

At Good-Loop, we made a donation to Disaster Emergency Committee to fund local-relief efforts, such as search and result and medical treatment for those injured. However, we wanted to do more with the unique position we have. As we support brands delivering impactful advertising campaigns to provide funding to where it is needed most, we will also be donating an additional 10% of any brand donations funding the appeal.

In the past week, we've seen many major brands lead the way in aid relief and not just through their digital advertising.

How Some Of The World's Biggest Brands Have Stepped Up:

When countries require emergency support, major brands have led the way through their international aid relief, whether it's donating to charities on the front line or by donating supplies to help those affected. Here's a few examples from the past week:

  • Uber has implemented "Earthquake Support" on their app in Istanbul to allow users to donate aid supplies by calling a free of charge taxi to collect donations and take them to dedicated relief centers. They have also donated $100m to local non-profit, Ahbap, and provide support for blood donors traveling to blood donation sites.
  • IKEA has sent 5,000 shelters to Syria, through their €10 million donation to the NGO, Better Shelter. These shelters developed to be robust emergency relief that requires no tools to assemble.
  • Kraft Heinz donated $500,000 to the Red Cross to help fund the volunteer support in the hardest hit areas including - but not limited to - Hama, Aleppo, Lattakia and Tartous.
  • Starbucks has committed to donate $1m to non-profits such as World Central Kitchen and Planet Water Foundation, who are focussed on immediate relief and aid.
  • Boeing had donated $500,000 through the American Red Cross and has also committed to matching all employee donations.

In Times of Crisis, It's Crucial We All Play Our Part

The people of Syria and Turkey still need our help. Today, search and rescue teams are still exploring Turkey's provinces and the aftermath of such an event will stay with those communities for a lifetime.

Here are a few of our suggestions of how brands and agencies can help Turkey and Syria following the recent earthquakes.

1. Make Donations

One of the most effective ways that brands can help in the aftermath of a natural disaster is by making donations to reputable organisations that are providing aid to those affected.

Here are some examples of reputable charities making a difference to those affected most:

2. Use Social Media and Advertising to Spread Awareness

As advertisers, we all know what a powerful tool social media can be. Whether it's raising awareness or influencing others to take action, brands can utilise their platforms to make a difference.

It's important to note that during these times, there are many false news stories - whether outdated reporting or scam. Be sure to share verified information from trusted reporters to make sure you don't contribute to fake news that often is used to take advantage of situations like this.

Your platform can keep issues like this in the public eye for longer, and encourage your community of followers/subscribers to get involved in the relief efforts.

3. Launch Fundraising Campaigns

Brands can also launch fundraising campaigns to raise money for the relief efforts.

By creating a "crisis collection" of products or services, this can be a useful tactic to encourage customers to support the cause and make a meaningful contribution to the relief efforts. To do this, brands should always partner with a relief organisation or NGO, and they should be the benefactor of the profits made.

The aim should never be to profit over others' misfortune.

Together, We Can Make A Difference

The recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria have caused significant damage and loss of life. Whilst some communities are still being rescued, time is of the essence.

Brands can play an important role in helping to provide assistance and aid to those affected by making donations, using social media to spread awareness, partnering with local organisations, and launching fundraising campaigns, brands can make a meaningful contribution to the relief efforts.

The world is watching, step up for Syria and Turkey.

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