LGBTQIA+ advocacy group reimagines famous campaigns to make them more inclusive
Laura Carpenter
Content and Engagement Executive

6 February 2023

"Together we can change the script."

That's the endline of Outvertising's latest campaign to celebrate LGBTQIA+ History Month - and it certainly has left its mark on Adland.

It's without a doubt that we've come a long way from LGBTQIA-coded messaging being described as "our little secret". However, that doesn't mean that we've reached anywhere close to representative advertising. In fact, Nielsen found that only 1% of ads outside of Pride month feature LGBTQIA+ representation in their creatives.

Simply said, it's not enough.

If advertisers want to appeal to the Rainbow Generation, and our queer predecessors, it's time to change the narrative - and Outvertising has illustrated perfectly how simple that can be.

"Just by adapting a few words you can suddenly make the work, and the world, more inclusive." - Jim de Zoete, Executive Creative Director at Across the Pond

Inspired by the Diet Coke, Gardener ad, this creative shows how changing two words of the brief can create a complete shift from the heteronormative standard of advertising.

The ad would have broke industry standards by presenting a story, featuring queer people in a light-hearted, positive portrayal. Most of our storylines are centred around "coming out", which whilst important, it is not the only experience worth representing.

These ads are out and proud, in more ways than one. Thanks to the OOH platforms Open Media, Hi Rezz, and, who donated the space pro-bono.

Joint-CEO of Outvertising, Marty Davis, said: "Together we can help write the LGBTQIA+ history of tomorrow, using the power and reach of advertising to shape society for the better."

This example was inspired by Volkswagen's "The Force", and just imagine how pivotal an ad like this could be in someone's journey. For many Star Wars fans out there, this ad brought so much joy. I mean, who hasn't tried to move items through the force?

Including queer representation wouldn't have taken away from the narrative, nor the experience. Instead, it enriches it for certain audiences. How many times have you heard, "I would have figured it out much sooner if there had been more representation"? It's a recurring theme in today's LGBTQIA+ community, and it's one that we have the power to change.

Rewriting the script to be more inclusive of LGBTQIA+ audiences also is your way to make a difference, and have a lasting impact.

Want To Make Real Change? Show it.

It goes without saying that the media has played a big part in how we perceive others. In a recent study, GLAAD found that, "non-LGBTQIA+ people who are exposed to LGBTQIA+ media images are more likely to experience increasing levels of acceptance and comfortability towards LGBTQIA+ people".

Advertising has a big part in that. If we look at the mediums where individuals are forming their opinions on the LGBTQIA community outside of personal experience, it's televised media and social media:

YouGov Survey, May 2022

If you and your brand are truly passionate about raising acceptance for the LGBTQIA community, this is how you can show it. We have the power and the influence to use our platform to shift social attitudes to create a more inclusive society.

Start Catering For Audiences Across The LGBTQIA+ Community

By rewriting classic ad narratives, Outvertising has demonstrated how easy it is to naturally place LGBTQIA people at the heart of your creative.

One of my favourite examples to reflect on is the Renault Clio's campaign for their 30th anniversary (and no, it's not just because it was my first car). The narrative was a simple metaphor for the English's "French love affair" with the brand.

Instead of going down a typical route, Renault UK's Marketing Director, Adam Wood wanted to "humanise and celebrate, not just 30 years of progress of the Renault Clio, but also the progress made within culture, society and life in that time.

The campaign was centred on a lesbian love story - and the response it got was overwhelming:

The only question now is, will you?

Not only will you be signposting yourself as available to a new target market, but according to GLAAD's study, "companies benefit from including LGBTQIA+ people in the advertisements, with the vast majority of non-LGBTQIA consumers looking favourably upon companies that do so."

June will be here before you know it and most brands will get involved with rainbow logos, rainbow flags, rainbow parties... The piece that is missing to this is the people behind the rainbow.

Introduce authentic allyship into your advertising strategy through having a diverse cast in your creative. But why stop there? Donate back into the communities by displaying your ads on LGBTQIA+-owned publications like PinkNews, Out, and Attitude.

Outvertising has rewritten previous ads. Now it's Adland's turn to shape future ones.

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