Good-Loop platform delivers up to 100% higher ad engagement whilst letting consumers donate Nestlé's media budget to good causes.

01 October 2018

KITKAT will run its first ad today on the ethical ad platform 'Good-Loop', creating a means for people to donate part of the brand's media budget to the Nestlé Cocoa Plan, in return for 15 seconds of their attention.

From Monday, the 'Time Traveller' KITKAT Senses ad will be distributed programmatically through Good-Loop's ethical ad player, delivering what Good-Loop describe as 'double the ad engagement level for the same price as any other premium video view.' Viewers who choose to watch the ad then unlock a free donation from KITKAT, which they can choose to direct towards the purchase of vegetable growing kits, solar chargers or school kits for beneficiaries within the Nestlé Cocoa Plan initiative.

Good-Loop believes the only way to make online advertising sustainable long term is to positively involve the consumer. This means allowing people to opt-in to advertising rather than have it forced upon them.

Founder Amy Williams commented, "It's truly exciting to welcome KITKAT to our platform. Following this year's Cambridge Analytica /Facebook furore, people are increasingly aware of their inherent value as a consumer and as a data point. Their time, attention and data is valuable and many feel they deserve a fairer value exchange in the whole process of advertising and digital targeting. It's inspiring to see big brands embrace this reality and harness that value it in a way that supports good causes like the Nestlé Cocoa Plan."

Florence Audoyer, Global Strategic Marketing & Communication lead - KITKAT, added "We are very excited to collaborate with Good-Loop to test a new advertising format where consumers choose to watch our advertising in exchange for a donation. Viewers will have the option of donating to one of three selected projects (School kits, Vegetable-Growing Kits, Solar Charger) demonstrating NESTLÉ's wider commitment to supporting sustainable cocoa farming"

While Nestlé is not the first big brand to choose to advertise using this new technology-for-good (funky cleaning product company 'method' launched their own 'Look Good, Do Better' campaign via Good-Loop last week), Monday is the first time that viewers of the ad will be able to see a live donation tracker showing how much money has been raised.

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