Even if you're miles away, you can still make a difference to those who need it most.
Hannah Williams
Head of Impact

1 September 2022

This year's monsoon rains in Pakistan have been unprecedented, affecting all four of the country's provinces and causing over a third of the country to become submerged. Over 1,100 people have died so far, with thousands more injured and displaced.

There are over 7,000 glaciers in Pakistan - more than anywhere else on our planet outside of the polar regions. Alarming global temperature rises have caused increased glacial melting rates, which in turn, has caused extreme flooding. Changes in our climate is also causing more intense and more frequent extreme weather patterns, leading to this year's devastating monsoon rainfall.

These forces combined suggest that floods such as these are going to happen more frequently and for longer periods of time.

On the ground, the navy has been mobilised to help remote rural areas, but for those of you who feel powerless watching from home, there is something you can do to help people who are being affected.

Even if you're miles away, you can still make a difference to those who need it most. Here are our suggestions on how you can help the people of Pakistan.

Support Charities On The Ground:

Disclaimer: Be aware of malicious disinformation and charitable giving scams, and ensure you provide funds to charities working on the ground in Pakistan. Research the charity before parting ways with well-intentioned donations.

Some charities we recommend:

  • UNICEF is on the ground, helping to deliver safe drinking water; lifesaving medical supplies; food supplies and hygiene kits to children and families. They're also establishing temporary learning centres to support the wellbeing of children affected by these floods.
  • Pakistan Red Crescent Society has distributed food rations, menstrual hygiene kits, clean water and bedding in the Khyber Pukhtunkhwa's DI Khan district.
  • International Medical Corps is supporting the Department of Health in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by providing essential medicines and water purification tablets.
  • From day one, Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan has been rescuing people and providing relief assistance, including cooked food, dry ration packs, tarpaulin sheets, medical aid and other non-food essential items.
  • Muslim Aid Pakistan is not only responding to this emergency, but it's also committed to helping affected communities recover as soon as possible by supporting and initiating humanitarian and development projects in Balochistan and other parts of Pakistan.
  • Shahhid Afridi's foundation is leading drives to provide those affected with food, tents and other essentials, such as blankets and clothes across the Sindh and Balochistan provinces.

Write To Your MP:

In the face of such devastation, we shouldn't underestimate the power of putting pressure on the UK Government. So far, we've committed £1.5 million of financial aid to help with the immediate aftermath. However, as Yasmin Qureshi, the Labour MP for Bolton South and chair of the all party parliamentary group on Pakistan said, this is insufficient.

You can contact your local MP via email or post to their constituency address, and ask them to join Qureshi and push for more to be done for the people of Pakistan.

Stop Working With The Fossil Fuel Industry:

It's time we acknowledge who and what has caused this, as Pakistan's Climate Change Minister Sherry Rehman said they are paying the price for the Western use of fossil fuels. Our actions are not isolated, and we're now seeing the consequences of them.

Last year, we called on our industry to stop using our advertising super powers to increase fossil fuel extraction.

Adland has oil on its hands, and unless we start taking deliberate and decisive action against carbon-heavy industries, no amount of localised "sustainability" initiatives will save us.

If we truly want to tackle the climate crisis, we must do better.

Don't send "good wishes". By helping to fund trusted charitable organisations in the region you will be providing tangible support where it's needed most. It really is time we started thinking about how we can work together as a planet to tackle the oncoming climate crisis.

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