Which campaigns make our list of best-ever April 1 campaigns?
David Waterhouse
Communications Director

1 April 2022

Feeling naughty and mischievous today? Of course you are. It's April Fools' Day, after all. A time to play pranks and tricks on our nearest and dearest.

Over the years, brands have also got in on the April 1 action too, with spoof ad campaigns and news articles in honour of the event.

So to mark the yearly celebration of mischief (and have a bit of fun), we thought we would get in on the action by going back through the years to find some of our favourite brand April 1 activations.

Let us know some of your favourites.


5. YouTube

Campaign: Top 5 Viral Pictures of 1911

Back in 2011, YouTube (actually founded in 2005) celebrated its fake 100th birthday by overhauling its site to look like it was created in 1911, including videos from the era.

4. PayPal

Campaign: Print Money

It's amazing what phones can do these days. But printing money? As ridiculous as it sounds, in 2018 PayPal generated a lot of brand awareness by suggesting its new app could do just that.

3. Tinder

Campaign: Tinder Height Verification

In 2018, dating app Tinder declared war on men who claim they are taller than they actually are through its Tinder Height Verification feature.

2. Petco

Campaign: Beautiful Bond Salon

They say people look like their pets. Well, for those that don't, don't worry - Petco has you covered. For its April Fools campaign a couple of years ago, it created a salon that gave owners makeovers to make them look more like their animal friends.

1. Burger King

Campaign: The Left-Handed Whopper

Burger King's Whopper certainly lived up to its name back in 1998 by claiming it had created a version of its signature burger specifically for left-handed people.

In a world designed for right-handers, it claimed it had rearranged the condiments and realigned the bun to make it easier for lefties to grip.

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