Tife Idowu's Top Picks From November's Campaigns That Ran With Good-Loop
Tife Idowu
Commercial Operations Executive

8 December 2022

We're bombarded with ads online every day. So how can brands cut through the noise and leave consumers with a lasting impression? Well, one way is for brands to go even further with their campaign activations and use their ads to have a real impact on people's lives.

We are in an era where actions speak louder than words, and the same is expected of brands. Consumers are paying closer attention to brands who walk the walk, and not just talk the talk.

At Good-Loop, our campaigns do just that. Our purpose-led ad formats motivate people to watch an ad online by allowing them to 'unlock' a free charitable donation at the end of each spot. This strategy allows advertisers to receive more meaningful brand engagement, while appealing to consumers' goodwill by providing a cost-free means of philanthropy.

We worked on some fantastic campaigns during November, so grab a cuppa and enjoy watching some of our top 3 campaigns of the month.

TikTok x Black History Month

Campaign: This Ad Supports Better Black Mental Health
Brand: TikTok
Agency: Zenith Media UK

Ad of the Month: Tik Tok

Click to view ad demo.

In celebration of Black History Month, TikTok and Good-Loop teamed up to launch an amazing campaign that not only celebrated incredible black creators but also supported the charity, Black Minds Matter.

This was one of our best performing campaigns, exceeding all benchmarks by a significant margin.

The Completed View Rate (CVR) finished at an impressive 81.02% and the Click-Through Rate (CTR) finished at 0.42%, which is 1.4x higher than the GL benchmark. Most notably, the Viewability Rate (VR) finished at nearly 95%, which is the highest we have ever seen. It's really evident how engaged the audience was with the campaign.

We were able to raise over £6,000 for Black Minds Matter, effectively funding 8,220 minutes of therapy. This is no small feat and will go a very long way in supporting black individuals and families in the UK. Talk about walking the walk!

Nescafé Germany

Campaign: The Nescafé Plan
Brand: Nestlé (Nescafé Germany)
Agency: Brand Direct (Nestlé S.A.)

Ad of the Month: Nestle

Click to view ad demo.

Through Good-Loop's Watch-to-Donate format, Nescafé's 10-year sustainability plan was made visible, the brand's values were highlighted, and engagement was encouraged.

In a time where people want to see businesses take genuine action for the benefit of our planet, it's not a huge surprise that the creative viewers resonated extremely well with viewers. We saw a CTR of 2.67% - nearly 9x the Good-Loop benchmark. The VR also finished at a super-impressive 91.32%.

The donations raised through this campaign will help protect natural environments by fighting deforestation, restoring biological diversity, and improving the livelihood of farmers and forest communities.

Pillsbury (General Mills)

Campaign: Operation Homefront
Brand: Pillsbury (General Mills)
Agency: Mindshare USA

Ad of the Month: Pillsbury

Click to view ad demo.

Pillsbury's campaign is a touching one. Partnering with its Operation Homefront programme, which provides support for military families transitioning out of the service, the aim was to raise awareness and inspire consumers to engage with the initiative.

And engage they did! We saw a super-high CVR (90.35%) and viewability rate of 86.82%, with an extraordinary charitable donation of $137,500!

A donation of this magnitude will provide significant support to military families. A $20 donation can provide a hot meal for a military family, while $200 can provide power for a month.

It's campaigns like this that make me proud to be a Looper and proud to be making a real impact in people's lives.

I can't wait to share with you the top-performing/impactful campaigns that will run in December. See you again in a few weeks!

See The Difference Running A Campaign With Good-Loop

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